Nov 30, 2010

fufoon 2d anim test

This is a test I did with the free anim software called Pencil.

Nov 29, 2010

New value study

40 mins

Nov 15, 2010

volumetric study

30 mins, w/ photo reference


trying a new brush. Turned out, I could get even rougher texture...i'm loving it. 35mins

Nov 12, 2010

Husky (with IP steps)

Polar Bear the Aeng+

I got a few request to see how I speedpaint.

So here's the step 1 of 3 of my painting, this is how I sketched out the value first.

step 2: intensify the value, broaden the contrast range and pull out more detail out of the painting. I like to keep it loose so you wont see hard drawing line from me for the speedpaint. (this is a new technique that i just adapted to) And dont forget the highlights...its very important to control the volume of the subject.

step3: adding shadow with temperature and put out more detail. You shouldn't introduce a new color to the palette at this point, if you do..just remember to control it overall. Final, I like to keep it loose..

Coconut series

monkey: 50 mins
Coconut: 30 mins

New concept for NAS

All rights reserved (c) Jeep Naarkom 2010

Blue/white study

10 mins speed paint

Nov 9, 2010


quick study that turned out to be not-so-quick 60 mins.

Hoj the dog.

I had a good reference to start with..nice and simple 20 mins

speedpaint study

I'm surprise that I could get this done faster than I thought. 35 mins.

Nov 7, 2010

Another speedpaint

about an hour

Mountain goat rough study

45 mins

Quick study

speed paint 20 mins

Nov 6, 2010

babyface study

Baby color palette is very difficult to get.