Apr 3, 2008

Picasso de Elephanto

Today I feel so embarrassed and somewhat proud to see this being passed around from one of my coworkers. I mean the whole think is awesome...who would have thought an elephant would be able to do that?? But Its from Thailand, and I'd never heard of such thing before. (its the voice in the background that I realized its in thailand) so I was stoked to see the video. Now I wonder how much they make from those paintings..hahaha. But seriously, dont use the elephant to reproduced the prints...just sell duplicates. (though they aren't as authentic but you'd be able to promote and more tourist would be able to carry home a version of the painting, which in turn will make more people come to see the show...get it?? Nonetheless, I have to give two thumbs up for training such hugh animals to do something extraordinary such that... Great work!!

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